Lyrics from the Movie.

  “Let's get down to business - to defeat the Huns Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I've ever met But you can bet before we're through Mister, I'll make a man out of you.”

 -My observation: This tells me that women has no place to take in this war. Only men are going to take a role in this war against the Huns.
Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter, can it be, I'm not meant to play this part.”


Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter, can it be, I'm not meant to play this part.”
  My observation: A women has one choice in her life which is that she becomes a housewife. This tells me that Mulan cannot fit in becoming a housewife and she needs to find something in herself to fit in the part with she and her parents are both satisfied with.


Matchmaker v.s. Mulan

“This is what you give me to work with? Well, honey, I've seen worse. We're gonna turn this sow's ear Into a silk purse. We'll have you washed and dried Primped and polished till you glow with pride Trust my recipe for instant bride You'll bring honor to us all. Wait and see, when we're through Boys will gladly go to war for you. With good fortune (and a great hair-do) You'll bring honor to us all. A girl can bring her family Great honor in one way. By striking a good match And this could be the day. Men want girls with good taste, calm, obedient. Who work fast-paced. With good breeding and a tiny waste.”
My Observation: Mulan has to marry some guy who she doesn’t even know in order to raise her family’s reputation and bring honor to everyone?


Fa Zhou and Mulan

         “Mulan: You shouldn't have to go!
Fa Li: Mulan!
Mulan: There are plenty of young men to fight for China!
Fa Zhou: It is an honor to protect my family and my country.
Mulan: So you'll die for honor.
Fa Zhou: I will die doing what's right!
Mulan: But you...
Fa Zhou: I know my place. It is time you learn yours.”
  My observation: Fa Zhou is just going to war to honor his family and his country? Fa Zhou cannot sent her daughter to the war?



Bring Honor to us all....

 “Not yet. An apple for serenity. A pendant for balance
Beads of jade for beauty. You must proudly show it
Now add a cricket just for luck. And even you can't blow it.”
 My observation: This movie shows us that Mulan shows the Asian culture from believing that jade brings beauty, and a cricket is for luck.



 “Fa Zu:
Honorable Ancestors ... please help Mulan impress the Matchmaker today.
[Little Brother, followed by a herd of chickens, bursts into the family temple.]
Please, please help her.”
  My Observation: Mulan’s father pray to the ancestors and this shows that in Asian culture they show that Asian people worship their ancestor.