
            The outcome of this project is that children are learning a lot about the Asian culture, about gender roles, and about Honor when watching the Disney movie called, “Mulan.” When children are little, they don’t pay attention on what is being taught to them but they tend to apply these things that they are learning in these Disney movie to their own life. Hopefully, children are not learning a bad message from these movie, because if they are, children are only going to learn and apply it to themselves.

            The outcome of this project was that I got to learn about many things about the Asian culture and since I am Asian myself, I got to learn that people in Asia are very sexist against women especially if you are the oldest daughter in the family. Women do not have enough freedom in Asia and Women should have more freedom. Every Asian child has to go beyond the human rights meaning that children in Asia have to act more mature than from their own age that they are from. For example, if you are thirteen, you have to act more mature as if you are fifteen years old. In addition, children have to follow their culture as in, children cannot become something else, they have to follow their culture.

            This project means a lot to me, because I was really influenced by Mulan from watching this movie. This movie showed me that women should have equal rights as men and that you should never give on what are aiming for. In addition, you should make sacrifice for your family even if it includes to danger your life. If I was in Mulan’s position, I would do the same thing for my family and I would be very brave about it. I would risk my life for my family. Mulan is my favorite movie that I am have seen in all the Disney movies and this movie is a very influencing and encouraging movie. That’s what is my essay is about.