Characters in the Movie.

Fa Mulan
Mulan is the main character in this movie and she goes through many conflicts in her life. Such as, Mulan's father has to go to war but Mulan doesn't want her father to go to war, because her father will not be able to survive in the war and he is a very aged man. Mulan has to get married, but she is not liked from the matchmaker. In addition, Mulan makes a huge sacrifice from going to war and make her identity as a man. For example, Mulan cut her hair and she has to talk and walk like a man. Mulan saves China and the people of China from Shan Yu and his army.

Captain Li Shang

Captain Li Shang
 Captain Li Shang is the Captain of the Chinese Army and his father is the general of the Chinese Army. He called the "pretty boy" because of his looks and his physical type. He is thoughtful and he uses more logical ideas in his life. Mulan and Shang fall in love together at the end of the movie.  


Mushu is a Chinese dragon and he is a red color dragon. Mushu was once a guardian to the Fa family but he has lost his position, because he had failed to protect a family member of the Fa family. Mushu helps Mulan, because Mushu wants his position back as a guardian. In contrast to Mulan, Mushu is more confident and believes that you can achieve your goals. In Chinese culture, a dragon is a zodiac sign in chinese astrology. A dragon in chinese astrology means confident, ambition, resourceful, and assertive.


Cricket- also know as Cri-kee
Cri-kee was a good luck cricket through out the movie but one point of the movie, Cri-kee confesses that he is not a good luck cricket but it turns out that he is a good luck cricket at the end of the movie. Mulan's grandma got this cricket for Mulan, so there is luck in impressing the matchmaker that Mulan was going to see. A cricket in the chinese culture represents courage, good luck, and a fighting spirit. A cricket symbolizes summer.

Shan Yu

Shan Yu
Shan Yu is the evil person in the movie. He wants to steal the throne from the emperor and he wants to become the ruler of China. Shan Yu has saker falcon as a pet and he has a really strong army that kills the General Li's army.


Yao is the independent in the movie and he is short. Yao has a permanent black eye and he is the solider in Captain Shang's army. In the beginning, Yao loves to pick on Mulan but then eventually, he becomes Mulan's friend. He wants a girl that admires his strength and his battle scars.


Ling is the middleman in his friends and he has a medium height. He is friendly and he makes up jokes for everything. At the beginning, he teases Mulan but later on, he becomes friends with her.  He argues with Yao sometimes and he is one of the people who came up with "a girl we are fighting for."


Chein-Po is the tallest and obesed person in the movie. He has a bald head and he is very calm. He has a Buddist imagery and he loves to eat food. He would not do anything that would upset anyone and he has a good strength. He is searching for a women who loves to cook food and cooks really well.

Fa Zhou

Fa Zhou and Mulan
Fa Zhou is Mulan's father and he has a really good fame, because he was a good solider. Nothing distracts him when he is praying to the ancestors and he drinks 3 cups in the morning and 3 cups in the night. Fa Zhou cannot go to war, so Mulan goes to war without telling her parents and her parents find out but cannot stop her, because Mulan will be executed.

Fi Li and Grandmother Fa

Fa Li and Grandmother Fa
Fa Li is the wife of Fa Zhou and she is Mulan's mother. She wants her daughter to get married and she crys when Mulan goes to war and her family can not do anything to get Mulan back from the war.

Grandmother Fa is Mulan's grandma and her grandma encourages Mulan to find a husband. She gets a cricket for Mulan in order for Mulan to gt good luck to impress the matchmaker.


Khan and Mulan
Khan is Mulan's horse and he helps Mulan out through out the movie. Also, Khan goes to war with Mulan and he is the horse that has black color horse.

Little Brother

Little Brother and Mulan
Little Brother is Mulan's dog and he has a blue collar around his neck. Mulan uses him to spread the chicken food, in order to feed the chicken.

Emperor of China

Emperor of China and Chi-Fu
The Emperor of China is the ruler of China and he lives in a palace. He has a long, white beard and a mustache. He is the wisest in all of China


Chi-Fu and Captain Li Shang
Chi-Fu is the member of the Emperor's consul and he mostly wears blue all the time. He is mean and selfish. Chi-Fu is very sexist againest women and at the end of the movie, Chi-Fu refuses to give Mulan a job with the Emperor but Chi-Fu refuses. The Emperor gives Chi-Fu's job.

General Li

General Li
General Li is Shang's father and he is the general of the Chinese army. In the middle of the movie, General Li and his army gets killed by the Hun army and his helmet was left when he and his army died.


Hayabusa and Shan Yu
Hayabusa is Shan Yu's pet and it is a saker falcon. This falcon has really sharp eyes and has really sharp ears. Even though, Hayabusa is a Japanese name, this name appears in a chinese movie.